Is oral abortion possible after 3 months of pregnancy in Dubai?

Is oral abortion possible after 3 months of pregnancy in Dubai?

Written by dr.emmashawn, In Health, Published On
November 30, 2021

Does abortion cause infertility?

Abortion is a procedure often performed for intrauterine pregnancy evacuation. It is widely used in medicine which can be easily accessible at pharma Abortion pills in Dubai online. It is widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal vaginal bleeding, in the removal of intrauterine fibroids and polyps, in incomplete abortions as well as in intrauterine pregnancy.

During an abortion with the advice of a doctor, the lining of the uterus is more or less damaged. With uterine contractions, it is poured out at the time of the next menstrual period. In the days after the abortion, the intrauterine membrane heals by renewing itself. However, in repeated abortions, damage to the uterus results in adhesions (endometrial synechia) during the healing process. The risk of endometrial synechia increases after each abortion.

Intrauterine adhesions are sometimes so much that the entire uterine cavity adheres to the opposite side. This is called Sherman syndrome. In this case, menstruation has become almost impossible. The woman stops menstruating and cannot menstruate. Abortion can cause infertility in this way.

Intrauterine adhesions are not just a result of abortion. Infections of the uterine cavity can also cause synechiae in the membrane. Synechiae can be seen in the uterine cavity as well as the tubes. Adhesion at the tube entrances after abortion results in infertility.

Another effect of abortion is to see intermediate bleeding for 2 weeks after the procedure. Uterine bleeding can progress to the tubes and clot and cause blockages. Over time, it causes permanent blockages, adhesions and narrowing in the tubes.

Which curettage method causes infertility?

Today, abortion is done by vacuum method or by medicine as well Abortion pills in Dubai online.  During vacuum curettage, the tissue is aspirated (absorbed with negative pressure) with thin plastic cannulas and cleaned. In vacuum curettage, the possibility of intrauterine adhesions and infertility is less than with a metal curette. Vacuum curettage is done with plastic cannulas that have a hole in the tip and can be bent. In curettage with a metal curette, the inside of the uterus is scraped with a long-handled, teaspoon-like instrument. Therefore, as a result of scraping in the metal curette method, the intrauterine membrane becomes irritated. This results in adhesion during healing. This risk is lower in the vacuum abortion method.

Is it harmful to have multiple abortions?

As the number of abortions increases, the risk of uterine membrane irritation and adhesions also increases. Adhesion due to abortion occurs through 3 mechanisms;

  • Irritation of the uterine lining
  • Post-abortion infections
  • bleeding into the cavity

Irritation, infection, and bleeding cause adhesions by different mechanisms. Therefore, it should be preferred to perform an abortion under sterile conditions, with disposable materials and by competent hands doctor Best Abortion pills in Dubai online.

What are the risks of abortion?

Abortion is surgical intervention. It is usually done under sedation anesthesia. It can be applied up to 10 weeks in unwanted pregnancies. Apart from pregnancy, it is also performed for biopsy purposes. The risk of abortion increases as the week of pregnancy increases.

Today, there are certain risks, albeit small ones. These;

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • uterine perforation
  • adhesion
  • feeling faint, fainting
  • nausea, vomiting
  • Allergic reactions (due to anesthesia)

What should be considered after abortion?

A healthy recovery after abortion will indirectly prevent infertility by reducing possible adhesions. Good cleaning of the genital area after abortion, not leaving the genital area moist, and not choosing airtight tight clothes such as tight jeans and tights will reduce the risk of infection.

Possible vaginal itching, burning, discharge should not be neglected. These symptoms may be a sign of vaginal infections. The earlier and timely the infections are treated, the lower the risk of uterine synechia. This prevents infertility.

Vaginal bleeding after abortion indirectly predisposes to infertility for several reasons.

These mechanisms are as follows;

  • It can directly block the tubes with clots by staying in the uterus to bleed,
  • Secondary infections may develop by deteriorating the vaginal flora due to bleeding,
  • Bleeding can lead to synechiae by impairing the healing of the intrauterine tissue.

Can Those With Heart Disease Have An Abortion?

In patients with heart disease who want to have an abortion, first of all, the status of heart disease should be determined by the Doctor at Get abortion pills in Dubai. In cases where there is a low risk in terms of anesthesia to be applied during an abortion, abortion can be performed. In patients who have had heart valve replacement and have to use blood thinners, short-acting blood thinners are used. Abortion can be performed by bringing blood coagulation values ​​back to normal. In patients with infective endocarditis, prophylactic antibiotic treatment should be given before and after abortion.

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