Mistakes To Avoid When Developing All in One Super App like Gojek

Mistakes To Avoid When Developing All in One Super App like Gojek

Written by felicacarroll, In Apps, Published On
July 8, 2022

At least five other developers and company owners curse the same post for their failing the All in One Super App ideas every time when it is posted about the optimistic numbers of developing a successful Gojek Clone App.

You’ve come to the perfect place if you’re one of those developers, clients, or project owners since this post will show you what to avoid doing when developing All In One Inclusive and what you should do correctly.

We are aware of how painful it is to watch your creative idea fail in the fiercely cutthroat market for mobile apps. There is an app for everything, and no matter what you try to ensure that your app continues to function, something inevitably goes wrong. Making mistakes during the creation of mobile applications costs you ten times as much.

We are aware of how painful it is to watch your creative idea fail in the fiercely cutthroat market for mobile apps. There are Niche Applications for everything, and no matter what you try to ensure that your app continues to function, something inevitably goes wrong. Making mistakes during the creation of Gojek App Clone will cost you ten times as much.

Not identifying the need of your targeted users

This is a major issue. Before beginning development, conducting a need analysis is equivalent to serving ham to a vegan audience; nobody will eat it.

It’s not a good idea to invest money in a brilliant app idea without first conducting market research. The best course of action is to go slowly whenever a significant expenditure is necessary.

It’s important to test the market and carry out surveys to find out what functions if any, people want from the app. That would support your proposal and provide you with assurance that you will have a sizable user base.

Choosing a mobile app development without researching

Prior to choosing a mobile app development firm, you must first decide on your budget, platforms, level of complexity, and app’s niche. Next, you should conduct research to learn more about app development firms that meet the requirements for your mobile app.

Finally, before making a choice, you should compile a list of inquiries to make to the mobile app development companies.

Underestimating the app development cost

This is a major issue. Before beginning development, conducting a need analysis is equivalent to serving ham to a vegan audience; nobody will eat it.

It’s not a good idea to invest money in a brilliant Gojek App idea without first conducting market research. The best course of action is to go slowly whenever a significant expenditure is necessary.

It’s important to test the market and carry out surveys to find out what functions if any, people want from the app. That would support your proposal and provide you with assurance that you will have a sizable user base.

Not focusing on UI

Not paying close attention to the UI of your app is one of the biggest mistakes to avoid while designing an app. User interface, or UI, is the face of your software and creates the very first impression.

Users are impatient while choosing which apps to keep on their mobile devices because there are so many apps available in the online app stores.

In other words, a strong user interface might become the crucial component of your mobile app’s user retention strategy.

Mistake of adding a lot of features all at once

One of the most common misconceptions made while developing mobile apps is believing that more features will increase user satisfaction.

In fact, many app developers and businesses now view having a feature-rich app as a plus, and app marketers frequently use this phrase. It goes without saying that it is among the most frequent errors that app developers make.

In contrast, a mobile app is useful and simple to comprehend when it has fewer and more focused functions.

The application becomes slower and takes longer to load when it has too many features. Not to mention the time, energy, and materials used to create those extra features.

The primary feature and any additional supporting features that complete the app’s intended function are the ideal combination.

Not making an MVP first

A Minimum Viable Idea, or MVP, gives you the opportunity to test your product in actual market settings and with regular consumers to gauge how well it performs.

When your software is in the MVP stage, it only has the features that are absolutely necessary, allowing you to release it to the public before completing the complete advanced development process.

The time and money needed to create the final product/app are cut down by creating an MVP as a test product. You can hasten the development process by releasing the initial version of your application, gathering user input, revising the model as necessary, and improving the finished result.

Not testing the app

To provide a positive first impression, it is essential to test your app across a variety of devices in addition to basic testing. In fact, it is preferable to be aware of the testing methods your app development business employs in advance.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that a professional app-testing team or a third party should evaluate an app. You won’t be able to publish a flawless version of your app till that point.

Not taking the feedback

This app is being created with the average user in mind. Therefore, it is crucial that kids have a vote in what should be included in the app they want to use. If not, they would just not utilize it.

The only way out of this terrifying position is through “many iterations” of user feedback. Based on what consumers demand, the app should undergo any significant adjustments.

In Conclusion

The above-mentioned are the common mistakes made when creating mobile apps and the lessons learned from them can be studied and used to create a new standard procedure.

Connect with the mobile app development app company that helps you develop a brilliant All-in-One Super App like Gojek without such mistakes. Ensuring you have the best app in the market.


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