Ways to Meet Your Goals With Excellent Time Management

Ways to Meet Your Goals With Excellent Time Management

Written by Alison Lurie, In How To, Published On
October 12, 2023

Time management is someone’s ability to use time effectively. It can provide many benefits, especially for someone who is running a business. With good time management, one can be more productive and can easily achieve your business goals.

If you can’t manage your time well, it’s unlikely that you’ll achieve anything you set out to do. Time management can be difficult to implement if you don’t value your time at all. When you waste the time you have, it will be very difficult when trying to achieve business success.

So from that, you have to pay attention to having good time management. Let’s dive into steps and time management tools that can help you achieve your goals effectively:

How to reach your goals with excellent time management?

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image credit – freepik.com

Just like learning other skills, learning to manage time efficiently also requires time and process. Here are the seven best ways to make your time management more effective!

1. Determine Your Priorities

When working or doing other things in life, it is essential to always prioritize so that you can focus more on completing the most important things first. After that, you can complete some of your next activities or tasks that are less urgent.

You can determine your priorities more organized by listing down the notes with the help of voice over AI tools or by watching animation videos on YouTube channels.

In this way, you will automatically have a mindset that makes it easier for you to manage work, and you will have an adequate amount of time to do each job according to the needs of its completion. It will lead your business to reach its goals effectively.

2. Set SMART Goals

The SMART principle is to plan goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely (have a deadline).

In the business world, employees use the SMART method to increase their career path, occupy a new position, and get a job or salary as desired.

This helps you to have clear and measurable target planning, makes you more focused, motivated, and identifies potential problems, and evaluates the plan steps that you need to improve again.

Through the SMART concept, you also waste less time doing tasks that are irrelevant to achieving your goals. In addition, there are many SMART goal generators that you can easily use to dissect your goals and how achieve your dreams.

3. Set Up Deadlines

One of the mistakes in time management is not setting a deadline for the task being done. This can hinder your work process so it will take a long time to achieve your business goals.

Therefore, setting a deadline is very important to help you know when to complete it and not put it off any further. It also helps you to be more focused and efficient.

You can use your daily activity book or your cellphone to record all activities carried out and set up deadlines to be more organized. That way, you can achieve your business goals quickly.

4. Take Breaks

Having so much to do might make you wonder when you should take a break.

You might even miss the time to rest because you feel that the time you have is still not enough to complete all business matters.

However, resting is very important, because by resting, you can have sufficient energy and a fresher mind. So, later you can be more productive, effective, and efficient in completing your work.

5. Avoid Multitasking

Some of us may think that by multitasking, we can get more work done simultaneously. However, According to research, it turns out that multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%.

When multitasking, we tend to frequently switch between tasks to get everything done. This makes the task not completed optimally and makes us more easily tired.

So, multitasking is not always good, try to focus on completing your work one by one with discipline so that the results are maximized.

6. Block out distractions

Distractions are one of those things that can waste your time. This can be one of the main factors in your declining performance so it also has an impact on the success of a business in achieving its goals.

So, to be able to avoid these distractions, you must recognize what your distractions are and how to get rid of them.

For example, most of the biggest distractions experienced by many people are cell phones, social media, etc. When you work whether at home or the office, make sure you turn off notifications on your cell phone and focus on completing your tasks.

After that, you can use your cell phone again during your work breaks. It can help you focus more on work and complete tasks quickly.

7. Delegate Responsibilities

The following way of time management is to delegate your tasks. Keeping all the tasks to yourself can be overwhelming to complete.

For that, you don’t need to be afraid to delegate tasks to your teammates or subordinates so that all responsibilities are divided equally and can be completed on time. It can help you work effectively and reach your goals quickly.

If you are unsure, then you can give work to the people you trust the most and give them their reward as a token of appreciation.

5 Best time-management tools to track your goals

In this digital era, many automation tools can help you improve your time management skills. With the help of these tools, you can achieve your goals by building the habit of being focused and time-disciplined. You can try some of the time management apps below:

1. Trello


Trello is a management tool used for collaboration between teams. To increase productivity, Trello uses task cards that have headlines to do, do, and done on a board. This makes it easier for you to do your tasks in a more organized manner.

Apart from that, Trello offers an attractive UI/UX design feature that allows users to change the color of the Trello board as desired. Trello cards can also be labeled with deadlines, checklists, and attachments. There are 4 access permissions that Trello has prepared, namely private, team, organization, and public.

Trello gives you easy access to various apps, such as Confluence, Slack, Dropbox, Evernote, and Google Drive.

2. ProofHub


If you want to manage time management simultaneously with your teammates effectively, ProofHub is the tool for you to use.

ProofHub offers you the convenience of completing multiple jobs simultaneously in a short time. You can set work deadlines that must be completed to generate commitment from each team member.

Later, you can plan tasks, schedules, and work that you have to complete with your teammates in one day. Apart from that, you can set automatic reminders in the to-do list that you create.

3. Wrike


Wrike is one such project management tool that allows website owners, bloggers, and marketers to save time, collaborate, organize their work and get more tasks done faster.

This can be done by taking advantage of the features provided by Wrike, including task management, Gantt charts, real-time newsfeed, and so on.

This feature can provide users with many benefits, such as team members can discuss work progress, share documents, exchange ideas and comment on work, and understand current priorities. It’s about providing a real-time workspace where you can and deadlines.

4. Todoist


Next is the todoist tool which has a variety of advanced features including, Inbox, Today, Next 7 days, and the Project Tab, Labels, and Filters. All of these features can help users schedule all the tasks they want to do (task manager).

Each item can be marked as a priority and given a due date so that it will make time management easier.

5. Rescue Time

Rescue Time

Rescue Time will provide weekly reports to show what things can be wasting your time. This tool is perfect as an evaluation of your performance for one week, whether it leads to being productive or just a waste of time.

Apart from that, Rescue Time can also be a tool that helps you manage time with other team members. With these tools, you might be surprised how much time you have wasted.


Not only in the business world, but time management is also directly related to everyday life. If you manage your time well, you can achieve your goals easily and have a better quality of life.

Maybe, managing time is not an easy thing to do, especially if you are far from being used to doing it.

However, if you get used to it and continue to practice it slowly, the various methods above will help you manage your time well. And remember, commit to running it.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). His Twitter: @breadnbeyond LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro

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