25 android libraries to use for Android app development in 2022

25 android libraries to use for Android app development in 2022

Written by Alison Lurie, In Software, Published On
November 10, 2021

The use of mobile phones or smartphones has increased over the last decade! The recent report suggests that ’Android has 72.48% of the mobile market worldwide and 26.91% is for iOS.’ The past few years have only been about the rise of technologies and mobiles have seen a tremendous ride in different markets. This is why enterprises are looking to develop smart apps that can suit business needs. The Android apps are ideal for smartphone users and libraries in it assist the build-up of functional apps.

To be relevant in the market, it is vital so as to adapt to new ways to reach out to consumers or clients. The rise of demand for Android apps has given the opportunity to enterprises for investing in growth trends. Businesses do the investment to earn hefty profits and the mobile frameworks depend on libraries for it! You can refer to it as android frameworks that are rich in top features and assist Android facilitation. Libraries prove to be the backbone of Android devices and thus needed at the time position.

The Android libraries are enabling Android developers to access a large number of resources so as to build an app. There are multiple frameworks in the market presented by top-level companies with pre-built codes and data resources. It allows the developers to make use of the codes to compile the best mobility solutions. Implement the codes in a structured and coherent manner to deliver suitable results. The article highlights the best Android libraries helpful to develop functional Android apps.

List of 25 android libraries to use of Android app development –

  • Motion Toast

It is the type of library with multiple usages and is one of the effective toast libraries in Android using Kotlin. The library has five different kinds of toast types and with the possibility of customizing themes & styles.

  • Cycle

It is the other top-rated library developed by Square Engineering. The library allows the easy configuration of Android RecyclerView in a declarative way. Use the library so as to implement an adapter and manage the RecyclerView.

  • Zoom Recycler Layout

This is the cool-looking animation library written in Kotlin. It is the kind of class that extends LinearLayoutManager and overrides the function scrollVerticallyBy(). You can use the library for cool-looking horizontal or vertical lists.

  • Accompanist

It is the group of libraries that consists of utilities created by Chris Banes. The library integrates coil image-loading composable and metal design components themes. This is the best library so as to use ‘Jetpack compose’ and some top-class material designs.

  • Compose Academy

Snippets provide free resource so as to use Jetpack Compose for Android environments. The project splits by an API and the motive is to remove friction so as to find relevant samples to explore.

  • ProtonMail

This is an open-sourced framework so as to check the approach of sage Android app development. It has comprehensive documentation and a manual to set up apps easily. The release is done under the GPL-3.0 license so as to secure it the right way!

  • Kotlin-android-template

This is the simple Github template that enables the creation of an Android project and easy running in a few seconds. The template focuses on the delivery of projects with continuous integration in place with 100% Kotlin. It supports different sample modules, supports 100% Gradle Kotlin DSL setup, and CI setup with GitHub Actions so as to build functional apps.

  • ThemedToggleButtonGroup

It is the customizable toggle buttons found inside the FlexboxLayout. This is a modular and lightweight toggle button meant for Android devices. It configures for varied selections so as to add features to the Android app.

  • CleanRxArchitecture

This is the project with principles of cleaning architecture and MVI for the presentation layer. The kind of showcase app refers to the multi-module project connected to the GitHub API. It allows the author so as to list all the public repositories and can be used in a disconnected mode.

  • LightProgress

It is the type of Android library implementation of Light animation from Oleg Frolov. This kind of library helps to create a favorable type of animation.

  • KaMP Kit

It is the collection of codes and tools so as to get the Android app development team started quickly. This is as a great learning source and the kit designs to get over the initial stumble blocks. It includes ‘The Starter App’, ‘Education Resources’, and ‘Integration Information’.

  • Kissme

It stands for Kotlin Secure Storage Multiplatform. The library can be seamlessly integrated into Kotlin projects and builds with Kotlin Android plug-ins. Kissme allows the storing of valuable data in code modules for additional boilerplate code.

  • DeterminationProgress View

This is the customized and circular view built with Kotlin. It supports easy customizations so as to animate the progress. It adapts with SML and Kotlin/Java. You get the README text so as to style the widget and get all descriptions of XML & text attributes.

  • Venom

It is the most lightweight library that eases the testing of the end scenario for the android apps. It helps to test apps against aggressive runtime behaviors. Android is terminating the background apps while the user interacts with other apps. Venom is easy to use and is currently in version 0.3.1.

  • Dagger 2

This is the kind of library that relies specifically on Java annotations along with compile-time so as to evaluate dependencies. It is also easing access to shared instances and the fields are declared very easily.

  • Retroit

It is referred to as a REST client for Android and thus maps an API into the client interface. Other advantages of using the Retroit framework include endpoint manipulation, adding of the request body, and selection of relevant request methods. Also, converters use it so as to take care of the Android library.

  • Activity Recognition API

It is the kind of API permitting the user to recognize their current activity like driving, exercising, walking, or still position. Android developers can use the library so as to demand updates on activities or eliminate their needs.

  • EventBus

It is probably the top-rated library principally developed to utilize the publishers’ designs. This kind of framework simplifies the communication so as to enable better client assistance.

  • Picasso

This is one of the most reliable Android image libraries so as to upload the images on apps – in one line of code. It has the feature of automatic adapter detection and re-use of canceled downloads.

  • Glide

It is another image loader and one of the best-rated libraries for developers. Glide provides animated GIF support and handles image loading tasks smartly. The primary aim of the library is to make the scrolling process simple and fetch the remote images easily.

  • Scanning

This kind of library is helping so as to integrate the scanning features in the development of customized Android apps.

  • Zxing

Android developers use the kind of barcode image-process Android framework so as to assist consumers.

  • CAMView

It is a type of alternative to the ZXing barcode scanner and it has an Android camera easy access library. CanView is processing a set of components so as to allow developers to provide immediate access to the preview video feed.

  • View Binding

The use of view binding libraries is to reduce the boilerplate code when assigning views to variables.

  • ButterKnife

Jake Wharton initiates the Android library so as to bind the support libraries. It is like the Dagger only and signifies it is a sort of dependency injection.

Final Thoughts!

These are some of the top-rated Android libraries so as to make functional apps. Some of them offer great support to Android developers and help the creation of responsive apps. Android developers can also use other kinds of libraries so as to save time and make the app efficient. Make sure that the Android libraries do the best job for developers and promote the business motives.

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