Will Data Science Ever Rule the World?

Will Data Science Ever Rule the World?

Written by bharanikumar, In Technology, Published On
September 21, 2021

With more and more companies adapting Digitization, the need for data management has increased tremendously. A recent survey states that country will have more than 11 million job openings by the year 2026. Hiring in the Data Science domain has increased by 46% since 2019.  More than 93,000 jobs in Data Science will be vacant by the end of second FY 2020.

Will Data Science Course Ever Rule the World?

Now and future

The Data Science life cycle is in four stages – descriptive, diagnostic, discovery, and prescriptive. The descriptive stage explains what happened, while the diagnostic stage explains why it happened next discovery stage followed by the predictive stage. While the former stage helps us understand how it has happened latter predicts what can happen. The prescriptive stage puts out an action plan to handle.

As Data Science is still young, it is safe to say that most organizations are in the diagnostic and discovery stage.

In laymen’s terms, a Data Scientist’s job is to aid organizations in making informed and better decisions. It has become easy to give insight using multiple data tools. Data Science will help organizations make relaxed decisions which in turn result in a better outcome.

How businesses are effected?

Data Science will bring change in the business opening multitude of job profiles across the industry. As time advances new data science tools will come into existence adding new capabilities, that will help in the storage and management of data.

Newer tools will emerge using cognitive analytics and ML ideas leading to new professions in the domain. Data analytics can dominate the workspace in the coming future.

Job Opportunities

Massive amounts of data are generated and shared in the digital world now, these include sensor data location, health, weather, machine data, and many more that will help in improving diagnostic and predictive analytics capabilities. This makes things in-expensive and affordable for everybody. In the coming future, technological advancement will make things simpler and user-friendly to connect all types of data from different sources; giving insights in real-time. Resolving of issues and business challenges and IT alignment will be done in less time.


After understanding the positive effect Data Science has brought into the digital world it is safe to say that Data Science will take over the world in no time. Presently Data Science is still in the research and development stage with advancement. It will open new and better job roles and it is vital for aspiring and budding Data Scientists to invest in Data Science training courses now to be at an advantageous position in the booming market.

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