The 9 RULES of success on Instagram for a business

The 9 RULES of success on Instagram for a business

Written by instalikesuk1, In Marketing, Published On
March 10, 2022
Last modified on March 15th, 2022

You are in the middle of thinking and wondering if this social network is suitable for your company or your brand. For now, the only thing you know is that it’s a platform that works. But is that reason enough to spend time, energy, and even money on it?

The first piece of advice I can give you based on my experience is to define who your customers are. Because indeed, if you sell hearing aids, I’m not sure that the target of seniors is very strongly represented on social media, in particular Instagram, a famous social network renowned for attracting young professionals.

After defining your target, you need to start learning about them. But to have this answer, you must first find out about yourself, I think it is essential. Are competitors who offer the same products and services present on this social network? Are there a lot of searches via hashtags about your industry or the products you offer?

You should know that it is not worth wasting your time on Instagram if you notice, after analyzing the platform, that your target is not represented there. I certify it to you: do not embark on an adventure that will just waste your time!

Using Instagram for a business: the highlights

instagram reels

Now that you know that your favorite customers spend time on it, you need to be aware of all the advantages of being present on the platform. Because yes, there are only advantages.

  • Promote your company or brand

First, with a view to notoriety: you will be visible. It is convenient. Especially if you are just starting out. You have to keep in mind that it is an excellent community network. The concept is simple, and it appeals. This is the perfect opportunity for you to put yourself forward.

If you lack ideas for publications, remember these following points: post photographs of your expertise, your products, behind the scenes of your company or your brand, anecdotes, or customer testimonials.

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  • Expose by words or visuals our product/service

There, I tell you, you must sell dreams, friends. Do not hesitate to use your publications to highlight the products you sell (through crash tests, presentation videos, and photos of the results, for example). If you offer services, explain to them while representing them with beautiful visuals.

Don’t think of selling above all else. On Instagram, think above all about taking care of your brand image. You need to adopt a consistent tone across all of your posts.

  • Physical shopping of its products

To really know how to use Instagram for business, you need to know your own issues. For example, if you have a physical store, know that there is a “Shopping” option that will allow you to convert your customers directly through your account.

  • Maintain a strong relationship with your community

To know how to use Instagram for a business, this last point is very important for the person who acts as a community manager: what better than a community platform like Instagram to exchange and share things with its subscribers? This is the perfect opportunity for you to interact with them, and to forge a strong bond that will allow you to retain them later.

For example, in your publications, consider asking questions to arouse their interest! Think about the commitment you can get from it. Take an interest in them, respond to their comments, like their posts, get to know them. You must be approachable.

I strongly advise you, friends, to take into account the criticisms and to put them to good use to progress. Your subscribers are not just rising figures of “followers”. When you address them, call them by their first name, it will make them happy.

How to use Instagram for a business: the 9 golden rules

instagram hashtag

  • Switch to a professional account

It’s easy, free, and directly achievable on your profile. It doesn’t matter who manages the networks, it’s simple to do. You will have access to many new features such as the statistics of your publications, the number of visits and their origin, and so on!

  • Propose an aesthetic feed

The feed is all the social media publications that you see on your smartphone when you are on a profile or on a professional account. This step is crucial: you must arouse the interest of your subscriber. Your brand image is at stake. He must say to himself “but this account is superb, and I am interested in its products. I subscribe to it! »

From there, design an editorial strategy so that your account is aesthetic and therefore attractive.

  • Create a complete biography

Don’t skimp on the information you provide. When someone arrives on your Instagram account, they must immediately identify you: your name, what you offer, what differentiates you from your competitor, and the link to your website if you ha

Post with recurrence

Be recurring. I will never tell you enough, you have to meet the expectations of your followers. If you’re short on time, that’s okay. But try to post at least 2 or 3 times a week.

Be aware that posting regularly will also allow you to be seen by Instagram’s algorithm.

  • Separate professional and private life

The key point of your digital strategy. To know how to use Instagram for a business, there is a basic rule. Never mix your personal life with your professional account.

  • Optimize your hashtags

I told you to find out about your customers, and more broadly about your target: look at their interest. Find relevant hashtags on the account of your competitors for example, or simply do some tests by entering hashtags associated with your theme.

  • Engage your community

I told you before: engage! Take a genuine interest in your subscribers. There is nothing better to increase your audience than to interact with your brand’s community. Trust me, they will give it back to you.

  • Use stories

What better way to not pollute your feed than to share photos or instant videos in stories? It’s only visible 24 hours a day, and you can convey the message you want (as long as it remains consistent with your editorial strategy of course).

  • Propose partnerships

You’ve probably heard of it: influencers are everywhere today. And they are all (or almost) on Instagram. In general, it is their favorite playground. To get a business launching on Instagram off the ground, nothing better than to propose a partnership with an influencer from your sector. They will give maximum visibility to your brand.

Of course, depending on its notoriety, you will have to provide a counterpart: financial or material. Yes, generating buzz has a price!

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